Sunday 4 July 2010

A Persian hymn to an Egyptian Isis - نوایی نوایی

A kind reminder that not everyone who is obsessed and enchanted by their antiquity is an isolationist chauvinist. Some amongst us can still find the common grounds and use art and culture to blend. This poem is a Persian hymn to the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis whose worship also spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Temples dedicated to the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis (the mother of Horus) was the first daughter of Geb (god of the Earth) and Nut (goddess of the Overarching Sky) spread throughout Egypt, Sudan as well as Italy (including the famous Temple of Isis in Pompeii), the Levant and all the way up to northern Germany (The Sacred Site of Isis Mater Magna in Mainz).

This poem sings of faithfulness and faithlessness and incorporates a mawwal from the Saïdi heritage of Upper Egypt. Although the choice of mawwal is probably amateur as it shares very little with the poem and the theme of the hymn, it shows the dedication to digging up the shared history, culture and heritage of the two antiquities - Egypt and Persia. Despite the influx of Arabian tribed unto Upper Egypt and the early conversion of Upper Egyptians to Christianity, then Islam well before their northern counterparts, they are known for their fierce connection to antiquity and their stealth defence of the legacies, oral traditions, dialectics and monuments of Egyptian antiquity.

نوایی نوایی

آهنگ محلی تربت جام
دستگاه : شور (نوا)
نوایی نوایی نوایی نوایی
جوانی بگذرد ، تو قدرش ندانی ..... جوانی بگذرد ، تو قدرش ندانی

غمت در نهان خانه ی دل نشیند ..... غمت در نهان خانه ی دل نشیند
بنازی که لیلی به محمل نشیند ..... بنازی که لیلی به محمل نشیند
مرنجان دلم را که این مرغ وحشی
مرنجان دلم را که این مرغ وحشی

ز بامی که برخاست و مشکل نشیند
ز بامی که برخاست و مشکل نشیند

نوایی نوایی نوایی نوایی
جوانی بگذرد ، تو قدرش ندانی ..... جوانی بگذرد ، تو قدرش ندانی


بنازم به بزم محبت که آنجا ..... بنازم به بزم محبت که آنجا
گدایـــی به شاهی مقابل نشیند ..... گدایی به شاهی مقابل نشیند
به دنبال محمل چنان زار گریم
به دنبال محمل چنان زار گریم

که از گریه ام ناقه در گِل نشیند
که از گریه ام ناقه در گِل نشیند

نوایی نوایی نوایی نوایی

(Saïdi / Upper Egyptian Mawwal)
n amateur translation of this poem can be found here

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