Sunday 16 May 2010

Meet Baroness Sayeeda Warsi: The first British Muslim woman to sit in British Cabinet

Tarek Fatah from the Canadian Progressive Muslim Union introduces new British Cabinet Minister, the Pakistani-Briton Muslim Baroness Warsi who is to serve as Chairman of the Conservative Party and Minister without Portfolio in Britain's new coalition government.

Baroness Warsi found it "terribly humbling" to "be born as the daughter of an immigrant mill worker in a mill town in Yorkshire, to have the privilege of serving in Cabinet at such an important time in Britain’s history" The Daily Telegraph reported on Friday.

Tarek introduces Baroness Warsi from his standpoint and points out to " Islamists' " unfriendly relationship to the Baroness. Sumantra Maitra also wrote for "Bombs and Dollars" under the title "Conservative Muslim leader under attack from Islamists in the Emirates of Englishtan…"

Thanks Tarek.


Fri, 14 May 2010


Among the changes that have come about in the recent UK election, not only did the Islamist backed by George Galloway and Salma Yacoob were thoroughly defeated, but a Pakistani-Briton woman has joined Prime Minister Cameron's cabinet as Minister without Portfolio as Chair of the Conservative Party.

She is the daughter of a Kashmir mill worker in Yorkshire and has a running battle with the jihadis of Britain. Here she is facing the jihadi goons with courage and defiance as she gets pelted with eggs.

And here is what the Islamist goons had to say about Lady Warsi.

Good for Minister Sayeeda Warsi.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Nice to find my Bombs and Dollars article linked here! I almost forgot that I wrote something like that, been ages! :)Good work on your Blog, mate! Happy writing...
